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Child Maintenance Options



Child Maintenance Options is a national service that gives free and impartial information and support to help both parents make informed choices about child maintenance.  Separating and separated parents, as well as family, friends, grandparents, guardians, and anyone else with an interest in child maintenance, can all benefit from Child Maintenance Options’ help.

Child Maintenance Options:

  • can help parents decide on the best child maintenance option for them;
  • can provide support to parents who are interested in setting up a family-based arrangement;
  • can guide parents who can’t make a family-based arrangement to whichever of the Child Maintenance Service or Child Support Agency is available for them; and
  • won’t pass on any information unless a parent asks them to do so.

 Child Maintenance Options can be contacted on 0800 988 0988

Lines are open:

8am to 8pm Monday to Friday

9am to 4pm Saturday

Child Maintenance Options’ website contains useful tools and information.

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