Free online course for separated parents
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From the age of about four through to 15+ your children will be learning through education. This might take one of many forms, but whatever you choose for your child, being able to support them through this time is one of the roles of being a ‘Dad’.

Whether you are the dad at the school gates, the one who reads with them or helps with their homework, there are lots of ways to get involved in your child’s education.  




If you choose school for your child’s education, this is where they will learn how to socialise and how to get through life without ‘Dad’ or ‘Mum’ constantly by their side. They need to be helped through this experience along with all the academic stuff.

There are a lot of things that a child can experience through education at school, from fantastic opportunities to learn and play in a variety of new ways, to more difficult issues of peer pressure and bullying.  

However you choose to support your child’s learning and education, our Dad Info Education articles will encourage you to get more involved in your children’s schooling and help you to support your children to success as they face the challenges of school-life. 

Find out all about your choices around pre-school childcare

Find out what the pros and cons are and <<your choices between school and home education>>

Get the low down on working out which <<primary school would best suit your child>>

Check out the best dad tips for helping your child start school

And we look at secondary school and even the considerations if your child chooses to go to university or have a year out

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