By Chris at Dadology
Toddlers are great. They’re fun to be around; they’re curious about literally everything (especially the stuff they can’t have), and they’re always up for exploring, which in turn makes you explore too. But when you have a toddler in tow, it can be hard to know where to go that isn’t your living room or downstairs toilet. Here is a list of the best places to take your toddler if you are fed up with the same four walls and want to get out for the day. So go grab your pram and get ready for some fun.
The zoo
Visiting zoos can be a delightful experience for all ages, particularly for children. It’s one of the best ways for kids to discover various animals and have close encounters with their beloved creatures. Zoos also cater to kids with a variety of fun activities like animal feedings, shows, and playgrounds, giving parents quality time to unwind and observe their kids having so much fun.
I took my son to the zoo, and when we were walking around the mammal quarter, I remember trying to explain to him what a “wee monkey” was, only for him to point out the gorilla exhibit.
Parks and playgrounds
Some of the hands-down best activities that don’t require spending money are those fun activities that take place in parks or playgrounds. They are ideal for young children as they allow them to move around, interact with other children, and breathe in the fresh air. I am sure that many of your fondest childhood memories were made at a park, and your toddlers will love it too. The best parks have ample space for them to play without the risk of them accidentally damaging any precious family possessions at home.
Last week, I took my son to the playground and explained to him the concept of a “slide”—you know, that thing where you sit and go “wheeee!”—but as soon as we got there, a group of older kids zoomed down the slide like they were being chased by a swarm of bees. My son looked at me like, “No way, not with those lunatics around.” Little did he know, that was the exact fun I was talking about, and I had to practically bribe him with ice cream to give it a try.
The beach
The beach is an excellent destination for a day trip with your toddler- even on a blustery day. They will enjoy playing in the sand (even if it means trying to taste it), running around in the wind, and jumping in the waves. They can also have fun chasing seagulls and discovering various objects such as shells, seaweed, boats, and ships far out to sea. Remember to bring sunscreen and snacks, and prepare to buy ice cream. Just make sure to brush the sand off before they get into the car.
When taking my son to the beach, I tried to give him a quick lesson on “sandcastle 101,” but instead of a cute little tower, he went all out and buried himself like a true sand king, using all the buckets and spades we brought and some he found lying around. He looked like an ancient Egyptian pharaoh emerging from the sands of time.
I also had to keep a close eye on him as he kept trying to munch on the sand like it was a delicacy, and it became a constant battle to keep him from doing so, but we still had a quality time!
Indoor trampoline parks
Indoor trampoline parks are a great option for families with hyperactive children. They offer a fun and exciting way for the whole family to burn off energy, as well as a great way to improve physical strength and socialise with friends or family.
Taking my son to the trampoline park was an adventure. I tried to explain to him what a “foam pit” was, only for him to jump in and vanish like a magician’s assistant. I panicked for a moment, thinking he had been swallowed by a giant foam monster, but then I saw him giggling and playing inside the pit like it was a big box. It was quite a scare, but also a hilarious moment that I still laugh about.
Farmers’ markets and local farms
If you can, take your little one to a farmers’ market or local farm. Your child will love it because there are often food samples and activities for kids like mini golf, pony rides, and even petting zoos.
Toddlers are genuinely up for anything!
Your toddler is a little sponge, and they are ready to soak up all the fun that the world has to offer. They’re curious, energetic, and open-minded—all of which make them extremely receptive to new experiences.
Another great thing about toddlers is that they have short attention spans. This means that if something doesn’t hold their interest after a few minutes—like playing with another kid at the park or exploring at an indoor play centre—then we’re onto something else, which can work in your favour.
When visiting these places, you and your toddler can have a great time together exploring what your area has to offer and enjoying each other’s company. It won’t just be your toddler having fun, either.
This article was written by the Chris at Dadology.