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Have you visited the Dad Info forum?

Maya Griffiths

Maya Griffiths

Did you know that Dad Info has it’s own forum? It’s not just a place for people to share and vent, but it’s also a space to get advice from those in the know.

Being a parent can be unbelievably hard.

The minute a child is born, parents find themselves exhausted and overwhelmed, with their freedom a distant memory. Making the adjustment to a life of immense responsibility is tough and demanding. Plus, just as you’ve adjusted to one phase of your child’s life their behaviour shifts again, to toddler tantrums, or teenage moods. It’s an ever-changing learning process.

Need to vent? There’s no need to keep it inside!

Remember the phrase ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’? Turns out it’s true. Even better, if you can speak about your difficulties to others who understand, you can receive helpful, useful advice. You know what else helps? Being anonymous. On our forum you can speak freely, safe in the knowledge that nobody knows you in real life.

Plus, we have experts.

Ours is not a forum that runs like a free-for-all. Not only do we have moderators who keep an eye on goings-on in the chat groups, but we have incredible supportive experts to help you too. We have an ex-magistrate on the forum who can advise on legal matters and separation issues, and 3 Parent Support Workers who are trained to help families, all of whom monitor and reply to posts. So, you can receive advice from professionals as well as others who have gone through similar experiences as you.

What do you need to talk about?

Our forum covers everything from parenting advice to mental health, child maintenance, finances and relationships. Plus, if you’re a step dad there’s a place for you, too. Any issue you need to talk through is covered.

Never posted on a forum before?

Never fear. It can seem daunting but remember that everyone on the forum is like you- a dad who needs to get things off their chest. Joining our online community can give you a support cushion where you can speak freely, and get useful advice and support.

Sometimes it’s easier to be honest on a forum.

Why? Because it’s anonymous, faceless, and free from judgement. If there are things you’re struggling to say in real life, you can say them here. If there are feelings you have about situations in your life, you can get them out. If you’re struggling, feeling low and need to talk to somebody, you can always post on our forum (however, please note, if you are in crisis you should call 999 or The Samaritans). Plus, the forum never sleeps, and never closes. It’s here 24/7 for all dads, everywhere.

Visit our forum today!

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