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A Career

The school holidays are almost here…

First two weeks will be a joy and by the end of the fourth week you will be wishing they were just back at school, the last two weeks could end up being an absolute nightmare.

For some it will be six to eight weeks of waiting for exam results to find out where they are going to go, what they going to do next: A Levels, apprenticeship, University or a mad rush for clearing. Either way, it can be pretty stressful to us as parent. 

Many of my blogs have focused on younger children, but we are parents for life and as our children grow- we advise and guide. The exit form school to training is a difficult one. Young people are required to stay in education or training until they are nineteen. As a teacher, I have to give advice and guidance to parents and young students looking at the transition of secondary school to post sixteen education or training. 

There are many children who from an early age know want they to do as their dream job. But if our kids are unsure, then as parents we need to help them. Unfortunately there isn’t much of a careers service in schools. So perhaps this summer as you sit and wonder what to do in the holidays- you might think about looking at jobs and ideas to explore.

A six year old might want to become a fireman- so go to a fire station, or a farm open day if they want to be a vet. Help inform them now. Before you know it- they will be sixteen and facing major decisions on what to study or what courses to do and they might not have a clue.

Till Next time,



The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the blogger and do not necessarily represent the views of

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