Free online course for separated parents
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Free online course for separated parents


Last week I had my boys and we faced the conundrum that many parents face during the holidays…what to do? It is a job to try and find something innovative that stimulates your children and is cost effective.

When a day out to a theme park can costs over £50.00 per person, these events become a highlight of the summer. You  are only able to do so many free trips to a library or museum, if you can still find a free one …so what can you do that is a reasonable price but also memorable?  There is a group of activities that equate to about £10.00 a person in cost, lasting from one to three hours, good hey? These would range from bowling, to a trip to soft paly, the local water dome, ice skating or even the cinema. These are also items that are regular activities and not special.

I was quite pleased with myself when I discovered Gravity Force in Camberely, a new indoor activity centre full of trampolines, from dodgeball courts and basketball dunk courts, tumble tracks and a foam pit. As a parent, I choose to bounce with my boys, after a safety briefing explaining how we might die or break a bone if we don’t follow the rules, we had a 55 min session that was fun, enjoyable and enlightening. Interestingly, my eldest said felt a lot encouraged to test his capabilities further with my being there. I realised I hadn’t stopped him trying anything because it was too dangerous, in fact I was supporting and encouraging him to push and try things like big jumps, acrobatics and somersaults into the foam pit.

Not only had I encouraged him, I realised that both my boys and I had been trying something new and being engaged in physical activity, and trampolines are fun!

I recalled a few weeks earlier, my girlfriend attended her niece’s 3rd birthday party. They spent time bouncing on the garden trampoline and her mum sent a Facebook message of her 3 year old doing an impression of how her auntie bounced ….. I recalled the times I would spend bouncing on our garden trampoline with my boys when they were younger and then it hit me…. I had enjoyed myself because I had found a place that recreated our garden experience, on this 8 feet trampoline. Happy memories and remembered experiences for my now older children and their dad.

If there is a gravity force near you I recommend it – a great bounding experiences for any parent and child!

‘Til next time, happy bouncing!




The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the blogger and do not necessarily represent the views of 

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