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Free online course for separated parents | DAD BLOGS: Marc | Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer

Having two boys 12 and 7 is awkward. As one is approaching being a teenager and the other still a child, you can only view PG or U films, activities from swimming to bowling have a different skills and the younger son doesn’t want to be beaten by big brother, even theme parks mean one can do the large rides and the other cant.

As a parent and especially as a non-resident parent it makes days out awkward.

However this week I have the joy of just having my eldest child for two days and he has finished term and his younger brother is still at school. So the eldest is coming and staying for two days…. Which I am looking forward to … however trying to find the balance between what he wants to do, which would be watching videos and playing Minecraft, and doing things that I would like to do is going to be hard.  As he has a broken collar bone at the moment doing some activities he likes such as climbing are a no-go, so what to do. The problem is I want it to go well and for him to enjoy the time together, but I know I try hard and sometimes too hard so I have created opportunities and suggested things from him taking a friend, to one day dad’s choice, and one day his choice, but at present it is still all up in the air.

So my choice….. I am thinking of a day in London with a trip to the Making Colour Exhibition at the National Gallery with some general sight-seeing and a trip to Davenports Magic Shop (more for me than him) and perhaps a trip to see the New Transformers Film or a show. What he will choose I have no idea but I do not know how it will go, but it will be the first time since my separation I have had a day out with my eldest son without his brother I am looking forward to it but I also don’t want to mess it up….. So I am going to relax and not be disappointed if he doesn’t fancy doing anything and remember as long as he enjoys his time with me that is all that matters.

I will let you know how it goes,





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