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Hidden Meanings

A few weeks before Christmas, my eldest son asked me a science related question. I gave him an answer. He recollected and mentioned that I had ‘said something different’ when he was younger.

We chatted about the simpler answers I had given him than when he was younger. With his mind advancing in his understanding of the complexities of this world, he was able to understand the grandeur of science further than he was younger. Same question, just a deeper understanding than before. I was able to share my favourite quote with him:

“You can never walk in the same river twice

As parents, simple things can be misunderstood when we communicate with our children. My Mum was always telling me and my brother to pull up our socks; this was back in the day when boys wore shorts to school until the age of eleven. One day, my brother was playing an important rugby club match, albeit- not to his ability.

Mum shouted out, “Craig, pull your socks up!”

My brother, who had the ball at the time, ran down the wing, stopped, put the ball down, pulled each sock up and then picked up the ball and carried on playing; much to the crowd’s amusement needless to say. Mum was promptly banned from the touch line by the team coach!

As we grow in life experience, it is often said that we are changed, which I believe is a good thing. As we develop and grow as individuals, we are forever in a state of change. Problems only arise if the people around us can’t handle the development. As a parent, many of ‘our problems’ with our children are based on us not adapting to their development.

I often reflect on the past to constantly try to learn and re-evaluate. I have found hidden lessons in some of the things my parents and family have said and taught me as a child.

My mum taught me logic,” If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you won’t be able to come to the sweet shop with me”, yes- my childhood was so far back in history that there were sweet shops!

My Grandma taught me about medicine,” If you don’t stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that way!”

My Dad taught me to think ahead,” If you don’t pass your spelling tests, you will never get a good job!”

My Dad also taught me to meet a challenge, “What were you thinking? Answer me when I talk to you”, followed by, “Don’t talk back to me!”

My Grandma taught me how to become an adult, “If you don’t eat your vegetables, you will never grow up!”

It was also my Grandma who taught me about my roots, “Where you born in a barn?”

My Mum taught me about genetics, “You are just like your father!”

My Grandma also taught me about anticipation, “Just wait until your Dad gets home.”

It was my father who taught me about receiving,” You’re going to get it when we get home”

Finally we have my favourite; justice,” One day you’ll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like YOU – then you will see what it’s like!”

Until next time, 




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