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Free online course for separated parents | DAD BLOGS: Marc | Introducing Marc

Introducing Marc

My name is Marc Thompson, I am 43 and in the middle of a divorce. I have two lovely children, Benjamin we call him Ben who is 10 and Alexander, Alex who is 5.  Both my boys currently live with their mum, as we try and sort out our financial and family situation, I see them regularly and talk with them most days.

I have just finished a part time degree and I am looking forward to starting an MSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology this Sept at Portsmouth University. I have a number of part time jobs but have spent the majority of the past 6 years of my married life being a househusband, from doing washing and ironing, making meals to walking the kids to school and even sitting on a school PTA!

As training I am an entertainer and spent the past 20 years working as a magician, clown and children’s entertainer, but most of this was at weekends and evenings so it fitted with a working wife and being the house husband. I also do some marketing consultancy working with membership organisations and companies looking at market research and using entertainment as a marketing tool.

I have also become a professional judo coach, as my Degree was in Sport( sports performance)I also now teach in a number of school and clubs, and work helping to teach sports coaches how to coach.

So this blog will look at life as a new single Dad, working with children, and life in general, I might moan about sport, education and other stuff but also invite your questions and comments via the forum from after school sports clubs to what to do at a birthday party to where to go for under £10 with your kids. I also will open up to you about how I feel about things, I am opinionated and I apologise now if I offend it isn’t intentional but is bound to happen. However I am happy for people to comment and discuss anything, however please justify what you think, if you don’t agree please say why.


Well the journey begins I hope you will enjoy joining me.

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