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Take my ball back!!

I had an interesting conversation with my 12 year old this week end talking about debates; he was asking about the TV debates for the general election.


David Cameron had decided how he wanted to do TV debates and if it wasn’t his way, he wasn’t going to take part.

My son said that was very childish, he said that it was like a child saying if we don’t play by my rules I am taking my ball in, and then you can’t play. All his life I have taught my son to be fair and that he can’t always have things his way, if he has a problem he talks it through and finds a compromise. So when he asked how the Prime Minister could do that? As the most powerful man in the UK, should he not know better? I thought to myself how sensible my son is at times – or is it that politicians are just sometimes silly?

I had to explain that it was probably something Mr Cameron would end up agreeing to but in politics, people often took extreme positions and then changed their minds. My son isn’t stupid, he then said it would make him look stupid and he probably would not change his mind. He then said in history it was these sorts of silly things that started fights, battles and wars. He thought for a minute then added it a bit like the Russian prime minster when he cut of the gas he looked at me and smiled and said “I think they should have listened to their dads more “……. which made me smile.

I don’t do politics but when my 12 year old says the Prime Minster is acting like a boy taking his ball in had to smile and think perhaps some 12 year olds should be able to vote… they speak more sense than some politicians.

Till next time,



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