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The big question.

So the big question facing every dad of a child aged between 6 and 12 this summer – what will you see first Monsters University or Despicable Me 2?

You know as the school holidays approach you are going to have to do the obligatory trip to the cinema; the only question is will you get the film you want?

It’s a classic case of Disney/Pixar verses Universal Pictures, on one hand, but on the other they are two digital animation family friendly films with some classic plots.

Monsters University the prequel to Monsters Inc. – judging from the trailers I would suggest this is your classic teen college movie, not quite Ferris Buller’s Day Off but a mixture of college films from Animal House, American Pie and similar – then Disney-fied. Like Monsters Inc it will be full of multilevel humour as our hero’s, Mike and Sulley, vie to be the best Scary Monster. Classic fraternity japes and come clean plots help set the background to Monsters Inc. As the first film was in 2001 it might be a good idea to watch the DVD of Monsters Inc first.

Do you dare to scare …GO MU!!

 Despicable Me 2 compares with the classic retired Spy called back into action film, full of gadgets and gizmos and the age old problem of balancing work with child care, young love and the difficulties of being a former evil genius, a single Dad and finding new love. Also there are the minions which is a big bonus.

With both films it’s worth waiting till after the credits as they have extra bits and Despicable Me 2 is also setting you up for the Christmas release spinoff movie Minions.

Both films are released soon and will be in 2D and 3D. Monsters University on 12th July 2012 and Despicable Me 2 on 28th June 2013.

So ask yourself, are you the teen flick or spy film kind of guy?  But also think wisely, are you going to develop a child who is a spy and gadget kind of guy, or a party animal with a dream?

Serious thought must be given…till next week!

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