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Why Blog?

Someone asked me once… “ Why do you write your blog?

On reflection, I guess I use it in the same way that before computers others kept diaries and journals, recording thoughts and feeling and observations on life. Perhaps my grandchildren or great great grandchildren, if I am so blessed, will look at some electronic archive to see how I felt and thought.

Often we have a need to talk, but the people we would like to talk to are not in a position to listen or may not have the time to sit down and chat. Especially with my children, the timing for the discussion may not be right or they might not be in the mood for a ‘chat’.

It also presents a dilemma many parents face, how honest are you with your children? I have spoken in the past about communicating in an age appropriate way, and being honest.  So when writing I am often thinking would I say this in front of my children and I hope I can always answer yes.

It is hard … but I try to share my experiences and thoughts ….…… I found a You Tube clip titled” Reel Wisdom: Lessons from 40 Films in 7 Minutes” if you chance have a look at it below . I like films but this is inspirational.

For me there are two statements that particularly stand out – offering advice I relate to, right now, where I am in a divorce, and which I believe should be followed by anyone in a similar situation…

“Train yourself hard to let go of everything you fear to lose”  

“If you focus on what you left behind you will never be able to see what lies ahead” 

The last is the story of two mice who fall into a bucket of milk. One gives up struggling and drowns, and the other fights and struggles and eventually walks out on a mound of butter.

Do these change your life?  No …. Will they change the future of my children, my grandchildren or great great grandchildren?  I don’t know but I do hope they will inspire them in the times when they need to reach out to me and I am not there, or unable to give them advice.

Till Next Week


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