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Free online course for separated parents | DAD BLOGS: Mrunal | Forgotten words?

Forgotten words?

All four of us were walking down the road on Saturday morning.

Meri was belting out her version of the songs from the latest Disney hit Frozen.

“Shh,” said Clare who was holding her hand, “It’s not even eight o’clock yet. We need to be quiet otherwise we’ll wake everyone up.”

“Why are they still asleep?” asked Meri, clearly at a loss as to why anyone wouldn’t want to be up and enjoying her caterwauling at such an ungodly hour.

“Because, at the weekend, people like to have a lie in,” Clare explained.

“What’s a lie in?” Meri asked.

“Exactly!” I muttered under my breath a few yards behind holding Arun’s hand.

Every parent knows the stresses that come with early risers. We dread the enthusiastic “Good morning” that is rapidly followed by energetic bouncing on the parental bed on a Saturday morning at six thirty. Late boozy nights out are a distant memory because the payback the following day is just not worth it.

We are pretty lucky. Our two monsters are young enough to be knackered out and tucked into bed by 7pm without fail which gives us a pretty pleasant evening to enjoy together. They sleep through the night most nights unless Arun is ill (which is getting a good deal rarer than it was).

Later that day we met a couple of friends with their toddler to spend the afternoon together.

 Sarah gave a big yawn. “You look tired,” I said.

She shook her head. “Alex was up last night between 11 and four in the morning. I got no sleep last night.”

Clare and I glanced at each other, both feeling pretty fortunate. When it comes to words to forget, I’d gladly sacrifice “lie-in” for a “good night’s sleep” any day of the week. 




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