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Retail therapy

The drizzle splatted onto our car windscreen and the wind whined as it swept past the car


However, there was a much louder whining coming from inside the car.

“Look at all these sheep.” I muttered. “The slightest bit of bad weather on a Sunday and they all scuttle off to the Milton Keynes shopping centre.” I nodded to the traffic jam on the roundabout on the exit to Milton Keynes.

“Well, you do realise there are likely to be quite a lot of people at Bicester as well?” Clare, my wife patiently explained. We were headed to the retail outlet at Bicester village on a rainy Sunday.

“I hate shopping.” I bristled.

“Well, you agreed that we might as well get some the shopping we need out of the way on a day like this.”

“Humph.” I grumbled. “I really do hate shopping.” I glanced over my shoulder at my two kids sitting in the back seat happily gazing at the world as it passed by their car window. “And what sort of example does it set these two? Do we really want to set them an example of shameless consumerism? Shouldn’t we teaching them that there is so much more to life than just material possessions?”

“Yes,” said Clare, her patience still there. “And we do. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of retail therapy.”

“Yeah, it’s the retail bit for you and I’ll be the one that needs the therapy after a couple of hours in this temple to Mammon.”

Clare just rolled her eyes.

Three hours later we returned back the car, carving our way through the insatiable materialistic hoards who were still going strong.

Clare had picked up a few umbrellas (presents for friends) and a pair of shoes. The kids both had a new pair of sandals from Clarkes. I staggered along beside them laden down by a two pairs of Levi’s, a large suit bag from Armani and to my eternal shame, a pair of socks.

“I am never taking another lecture from you about what a waste of time shopping is,” said Clare.

I smirked, knowing that she had me bang to rights. I trotted out one of her stock phrases when she’s been to the sales, “Don’t think about how much I’ve spent. Think about how much I’ve saved.”


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