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Estimable Member Registered

How about some kinda book club? I know there are some threads about dads in story books and reading to our kids, how about we as dads take the time to talk about specific books and how we can use them with our kids?

Apart from that, the site is excellent


Posted : 06/05/2011 7:47 pm
Active Member Registered

OK, so recently joined and loving what there is to share with other dads. Thank you for taking the time to make this all work so well.

Two things spring to mind for what I want:

Firstly, some way of following the information and contributions relevant to the age/development stage of my child [like a timeline/search]. For instance, being able to quickly find anyone's contributions about what a four-year-old gets up to. Or a two-year-old. I'm really enjoying reading the Child Development pages [think they're ace!], and just thought they could be even better if on each page there were direct links to a related forum thread [i.e. click here for the 6-9 months discussions]. Potential for dads to really engage well and share relevant ideas quickly. I'd love to hear about what other dads with children the same age as mine are getting up to!

Secondly, more engagement with organisations/companies to support dads as parents. If I think about all the links, coupons, offers, ideas that similar 'mums' website have, there is no comparison. Get the message out to these organisations that us dads play an important part too, and will just as happily take their money-off for nappies/toys/days out coupons!

Posted : 09/05/2011 4:43 am
Active Member Registered

Just had another thought for the site:

There is a growing presence of 'dad' stuff on Twitter and Facebook. For example it would be good to display a Twitter feed of 'dad' posts [think of the @dadtalk followers and related hashtags] on the homepage.

Posted : 15/05/2011 3:49 am
New Member Registered

A great site that i enjoy reading other peoples experiences

Posted : 29/05/2011 4:39 am
New Member Registered

I personally would like to see more Dad related competitions, we see too much of pamapering sessions for the mums, spas, nails etc but there are not enough Dad days out, Win a trip to the pub etc, a day at the races, or even paintball etc

Posted : 06/07/2011 6:24 pm
Active Member Registered

i want my key ring.....
has anybody received theirs yet.... lol
🙄 :mrgreen: 😛

Posted : 08/07/2011 10:01 pm
Illustrious Member

has anybody received theirs yet

long time ago 😀

Posted : 09/07/2011 3:43 pm
Estimable Member Registered

no, i've still not received mine 😥

Posted : 10/07/2011 3:24 am
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