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[Solved] Advice not being given?

Reputable Member Registered

Holy [censored]!!

Why did you wanna start a new thread, is it cos my opinion has ruined it all?

Admin have ignored me for 18 months now, but im like twiston, honest and to the point.


Topic starter Posted : 03/06/2017 9:27 pm
Famed Member

Hi all

T135TO, I think we have all tried to support you at one time or another while you've been posting on the forum.

Both Mojo and I have been encouraging Davey to have his own thread so that his and A1dad2be each have their own thread. No other reason and nothing to do with your post. Our members need to share their experiences with each other, it's helpful. The mods won't always necessarily agree with what is written, but we don't police posts unless there is a need to.

All the best

Posted : 04/06/2017 12:30 pm
Reputable Member Registered


I am not going to hijack this status but what i will say is i know you have all tried to support me but i made mistakes and now none of you will ever respond to anything i ask. I am only human, i was given chances and messed up, it does not mean you just stop helping. I take alot of time out to help people on here who have either been plunged into a situation or messed up like i did, i wont judge

Anyways, no worries

Topic starter Posted : 04/06/2017 4:34 pm
Famed Member

We are not all on here every hour of every day. If you have a valid question, the moderators will always try to answer it for you.

Best wishes

Posted : 04/06/2017 5:18 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

...I'm pretty hurt by your allegation to be honest. I've looked through all the posts with no replies and there isn't one there that belongs to you. I think your allegation is unfounded and unfair...all of the moderators go above and beyond to advise and support all of our users, we are non judgemental and don't pick and choose who we help.

Posted : 04/06/2017 7:28 pm
Illustrious Member

I've moved this off into it's own thread as I don't think it's relevant to the original thread, and not for any other reason. If you feel that we are ignoring you, then by all means, raise it with some examples. The moderators don't always respond to every post, sometimes because other posters have provided an answer, or because it's been answered previously, but we do try to ensure that all posts have been responded to, where necessary, within 24 hours.

Posted : 05/06/2017 11:12 pm
Mojo and Mojo reacted

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