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[Solved] broke the law

New Member Registered

Good morning,
My ex partner has been in the paper twice as far as I can make out once in april for a incident around a driving offence and refusal to give evidence and again recently for no insurance she was banned for 6 months in april and has now had 8 points added to her licence for the latest offence. I have asked her what if it was her in april and she denied it but has not been driving since then I challenged her over it once I saw her in the paper AGAIN! Later I recieved a text message from her family threatening to stop contact with her and to deal with them instead. They have nothing to do with my contact with my daughter and frankly are a pain in the [censored]. Any advice would be appreciated

Topic starter Posted : 24/07/2017 1:08 pm
Famed Member

Unless you think she is driving illegally with the children in the car or presents a serious safeguarding risk to them, I would be inclined to drop it.

If you don't have a court order in place, she can stop contact whenever she likes unfortunately. If she refuses to deal with you regarding contact and asks her family to communicate with you instead, again, there's not much you can do about that.

If you continue trying to speak with her when she has said she doesn't want to, you could leave yourself open to claims of harassment.

Posted : 24/07/2017 1:38 pm

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