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[Solved] Surviving the Emotional Toll of Family Court

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Illustrious Member

djsmith it sounds like you had an awful experience. mine was not so bad. just a bit daft that when I asked for half of school holidays, I ended up with friday morning - monday evening, and monday morning to tuesday evening every other week. mother said she can not cope with letting kids stay with me for more than 3 nights in a row, and cafcass more or less pandered to that. court did make order flexible, as from next year I will get to have 1 week holidays during longer school holidays.

with legal aid, it is not only assessed based on DV. They assess income, savings. If their is fraud going on, they do take it seriously. just needs to be brought to their attention if its suspected.

Topic starter Posted : 03/11/2020 6:17 pm
Estimable Member Registered

Thanks and yes so far my x has played a game but as I'm not rolling over has let her guard down and she cannot remember what has was said my x was ordered to pay the mortgage as she was living at the family home me I was surfing sofas and paying my way, in the end, the truth will come out. My x will not let me see my children at all has been 9 months also has not updated me but hounds me if something has gone wrong or excuses me of xwz even though I'm 80 miles away. This forum has kept me going may I say.

Sounds good on your side.

Posted : 04/11/2020 12:49 am
New Member Registered

Thanks Bill!You helped me so much with this information 🙂 

Posted : 29/04/2021 5:31 pm
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