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[Solved] advice about my daughter

Active Member Registered

I'm new to the site so not sure if this is the right place to post or not.

I split up with my ex wife over 3 yrs ago at first things were ok when I moved out, she let me see my daughter who was 2 nearly 3 everyday, then things changed when she found out I was seeing someone else, one day I was allowed to see my daughter then I wasn't, then I was and so on this went on for around 5 months, one day she decided that I wasn't going to see my daughter again unless I go through the courts to do so, I was meant to still have reports, updates ect from my daughters pre school but as my sister in law is very good friends with my ex wife my ex wife stopped at this, my daughter started school last year and I have been to all her parents evenings ect to my ex's disgust because I have not seen my daughter for nearly 3 years, she thinks I have no right doing this because I have had no contact with her ie cards, presents ect because when I did send them she sent them all back which I still have, I have all her cards, presents ect here at home in memory boxes for her, my daughter has a parents evening next week and someone has told my ex that they don't think I have the right to do this anymore because it's been so long since I have seen my daughter, can anyone tell me if this is the truth or not as I don't want to lose this so if I've got to send cards ect for them to keep getting sent back again then I will.

Sorry for such a long post.


Topic starter Posted : 12/10/2017 12:49 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

Hi there

As long as you have Parental Responsibility, you have the right to be kept informed about her progress and how she's doing educationally, also if there are any medical issues.

Can I ask why you haven't pursued contact through the courts? Its still possible even after such a long time. We can help and advise you with this if you feel ready to tackle it.

All the best.

Posted : 13/10/2017 3:53 pm
Active Member Registered


Thank you for your reply, yes I still have parental responsibility as nothing has ever gone to court, I also pay maintenance every week with out fail for my children, I haven't taken it to court yet because I can not afford to do so, it's something I want to do more than anything in the world and have my little girl back in my life, (my other children are a lot older) my ex is very good at lying and getting people on her side but I have 3 years of proof that it's all lies.


Topic starter Posted : 14/10/2017 1:18 am
Illustrious Member

The court fee is £215 as far as I'm aware, and that's all you need to pay if you represent yourself. If you are on a low income, you may get this fee reduced or not have to pay it all all.

Posted : 14/10/2017 11:16 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

Unfortunately, maintenance and contact are entirely separate and one is not dependent on the other.

I can understand your reluctance to take t to court without a solicitor, but it is doable and we have many members that have done so with much success.

You must attempt mediation first in any case; even if you don't think it would work, as the mediator has to sign the C100 form to tell the court that mediation has been tried and has failed.

There are members here that have started with a solicitor first and then decided to go it alone, finding that things progressed more quickly without one!

There's lots of information about the process in the stickys at the top f the legal eagle section and if you decide to go ahead, we will do all we can to advise and support you. Please give it some thought.

All the best.

Posted : 16/10/2017 12:03 am
Famed Member

Cost should not be a barrier to take this to court. As actd said - if you are on a low income or unemployed you will get help with the fees. As mojo says, it is entirely possible to do this yourself, courts are used to dealing with people who don't have lawyers. We can support and guide through the process. Lots of our members have done it.

Posted : 16/10/2017 11:50 am
Active Member Registered

Thank you all for your replies, they really help a lot, the only thing with mediation is that my ex has everyone twisted round her finger and will have told lies like I have a temper and she's so scared to see me, (I was the one that went through D V and am ashamed to say I'm scared to see her on my own with out my wife with me as she can keep me calm) she still posts that sort of thing if she sees my driving down the road telling everyone how much of a mess she's been all day because of it ect I've not seen in person or spoken to her on the phone even for 3 yrs now, I will looking into it all though thank you again so much for all your replies, my daughters parents evening was last night and I'm proud to say she's doing really well in school and takes after me with her maths and still remembers something that I used to do with her and she now does this to her teacher.

Topic starter Posted : 19/10/2017 10:16 am

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