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CAFCASS: Tool for parenting knowledge and style

Illustrious Member


Thought this may be of use to others. When Cafcass did a section 7 report for me previously, I was sent a questionnaire to complete, about Parenting styles:

1. Why do babies cry?

Answer here

2. How would you respond to the different types of crying?

Answer here

3. What physical needs does a child have as s/he is growing up?

Answer here

4. What emotional needs does a child have as s/he is growing up?

Answer here

5. What educational needs does a child have as s/he is growing up?

Answer here

6. How do you think children learn?

Answer here

7. What kind of things do you think are naughty?

Answer here

8. What things can a parent do when a child is naughty?

Answer here

9. Would you ever smack your child? If so, what for?

Answer here

10. Do you think children like to be cuddled? If so, when would you cuddle them?

Answer here

11. Do you think that children should know that parents are ‘in charge’?

Answer here

12. If so, how would you let your children know you were in charge?

Answer here

12. Should parents encourage imaginary play with small children, for example, having a tea party?

Answer here

13. Should parents join in?

Answer here

14. At what age do you think children would want to stop playing at having tea parties or imaginary play?

Answer here

15. How often do you think parents should play with children?

Answer here

16. How long do you think a child of 12 months will concentrate on one game/thing/activity?

· One minute

· Five minutes

· Ten minutes

· Fifteen minutes

· Thirty minutes

· Forty-five minutes

17. Why do you think they can concentrate for that long?

Answer here

18. At what age do you think children should be allowed to go to the shop alone?

Answer here

19. When should children be allowed to have boyfriends/girlfriends?

Answer here

20. When should children be allowed to stay up until 10.00pm?

Answer here

21. At what age should children be allowed to stay in the house alone?

Answer here

22. At what age should children be allowed in the kitchen unsupervised?

Answer here

23. At what age should children be allowed a say in important family decisions – for example, whether a new partner should be allowed to move into the house?

Answer here

24. How old should children be before they are allowed pocket money?

Answer here

25. How old should a child be before they are told about contraception, masturbation, safe [censored]?

Answer here

26. Is there an age when you think children should be allowed to watch pornographic films?

Answer here

Topic starter Posted : 16/02/2021 8:56 pm
Prominent Member Registered

Great Post Bill... any recommended answer suggestions? Clearly with the caveat that we shouldn't all copy and paste them!

Posted : 17/02/2021 1:33 am
Illustrious Member

😆 I googled for some answers haha.

Topic starter Posted : 17/02/2021 3:19 am

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