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[Solved] Help with Disabled son

Active Member Registered

I have a disabled son to my ex parnter, just recently she has sent a letter from her solicitor for contact agreement for my son.. but i have had contact with my son for the last 5 years(he is now 7 and she refused contact the first 2 years of his life due to us both being young and immature) anyway my days to see him are every tuesday evening, every 2nd weekend to stay and a thursdays the week he isnt staying at the weekend. My ex is the one who gets all the help (e.g benefits for him, house suitable for his disability, disability car and i am not eligible as i do not have in 50% of the time) my ex keeps messaging me alot of abuse that i should have him more days (this is only because she now has him full time as for the last 5 years he has been staying with a relative as she chose to look after her other child she had instead but lied to everyone making out she had him full time) .. anyway she keeps having a go at me about not having car suitable for him ect.. but i am unable to afford these things or ofcourse i would have all this, but AM I not entitled to have his disablitiy veichle when i have him? As this is technically his car not hers? I would take my son alot more if i could but i have a job mon-friday so as much as id love to i wouldnt be able to due to having to keep my job to pay bills and provide for my family at home too, i pay child maintanence also. I take it i wouldnt be entitled to any help when i have my son as i dont have him 50% of the time? But it will get difficult as he grows older with lifting ect (he has cerebal palsy and unable to walk) and i dont want contact to stop with him so is there anything i can do? My house is upstairs but only my ex is eligble for the house suitable for him but im worried it gets to a point where i cant manage lifting him ect but my ex would not care and would just make me struggle and take him more often and not think of whats best for him. Unsure what i can do, if this goes to court would they see my side on this and how it would be difficult if im unable to provide any equipment for
Helping him? And am i expected to get a car suitable for him (that would have a bit for a wheelchair to go in the back) or should i be getting access to his car when i have him?

Topic starter Posted : 29/06/2017 9:27 pm
Famed Member Registered

Hi There,
I'm not sure on the standing for this if I'm honest, it may be worth taking some legal advice, as you say the car is for him, but I don't know whether you are entitled to use it when you have him.
It's not something I have come across before.

Posted : 30/06/2017 12:20 am
Illustrious Member Registered

As GTTS, I don't have much experience of this situation, but I suggest that you contact Motability

They should be able to answer your question. Having had a look on their website, they do give charitable grants, maybe this is something you could look into.

Other than that the Citizens Advice Bureau are likely to be able to give you further advice . Best of luck

Posted : 30/06/2017 7:26 pm

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