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[Solved] Family divorce lawyer Somerset

New Member Registered

Hi all
Need some recommendation for family divorce in Somerset or near areas.
In a messy situation where my ex wife is trying to take our house. Kids and everything else.
Accusing me of assault, abuse and child abuse. All of this is complealty false.
If anyone has had or heard of a good solicitors local to Somerset would be very much appreciated

Topic starter Posted : 01/05/2018 11:41 am
Illustrious Member


we generally don't do recommendations on here, though anyone local to you is free to PM you if they know of one - best bet is personal recommendation if you know anyone near you who has gone through a divorce and used a solicitor.

Posted : 03/05/2018 2:20 am

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Famed Member Registered

Hi There,

As actd has said the best way to find a good solicitor is through recommendation, though that said if you do get recommended then ensure when you go to see or make contact that you get the solicitor that has been named to you.

I used a small place with two solicitors and the one I used was really good, I recommended the same place to tow different people, one had the same as me, great service and everything done promptly, the other was with someone different and didn't get great advice and the service was worse.

so if you get a recommendation, contact that solicitor directly rather than the office.


Posted : 03/05/2018 9:49 pm
Illustrious Member Registered

The only source for good solicitors that I know of is from a website which is a league table of solicitors throughout the uk

However because these are the top rated solicitors, they are likely to charge more.

It might be worth attending a Families Need Fathers meeting in your area, here's a link to their website where you'll find details of meetings nationally. They may be able to recommend someone to you.

All the best

Posted : 04/05/2018 3:13 pm

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