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[Solved] Refuse to pay maintenance get bad credit rating.

Noble Member Registered

Have you seen this story in the mail this week

Separated parents who refuse to pay child maintenance will face the threat of being declined credit

What are your thoughts? Is this fair or does it concern you?

Topic starter Posted : 06/11/2014 4:48 pm
Illustrious Member

Mixed feelings - if there is a genuine reason why they can't pay, then I think it's grossly unfair (and the CSA aren't known for being reasonable), but if it's a simple refusal to pay out of principle (which does sometimes happen), then I think it's reasonable,

However, I have heard of cases before where the NRP can't pay and the CSA have told them to borrow the money on credit card - they won't be able to use that argument again.

Posted : 09/11/2014 1:00 am
Estimable Member Registered

Totally agree with actd, if the NRP just simply refuses to pay then of course they should receive a bad credit rating but if there is a genuine reason why they cant then that should be down to discretion of the CMS and the paying parent to sort out.

Actd I have never heard of that about them saying borrow the money on a credit card, that is disgusting but as you said they will have no argument with it once it comes into force.

Posted : 09/11/2014 2:59 am

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