Hi everyone again. I am crazy about cycling. I actually met my wife during a cycling marathon. My boy is just a few months, but I am already dreaming about how I will teach him to ride a bike. Here is my question: What age is best to teach a kid to ride a bike.
I'd suggest getting a sit on trike around one year so he can push himself around with his feet and get the hang of steering. I think you'll know when he's ready to progress. Some suggest not using stabilisers. I've seen bicycles for 3/4 years old without pedals so they get the hang of balancing. Wishing you lots of fun!
I think age 3 onwards is good time to start. Can get a bike with stabilisers
I had a bike with stabilizers when I was 5, I remember how hard it was to change to a normal bike.
On the other side, Is it safe to teach a child to ride on a bike without stabilisers?
If you can run to keep up with no stabilisers, then I don't see that they have to be used - ultimately can you keep your child safe? If so, then you could certainly consider not using them.
I think the age of 3-4 years old is ok. My son started riding a bike when he was 3. Now he is 5 and for riding, we have chosen a nice bmx bike.