Anyone on the forum familiar with a country singer called Brad Paisley?
I would be so bold as to make studying his music compulsory in schools
- that's how good I believe the man to be, and the lyrics he comes up with are astonishing in their originality!
I can't stand country and western so I'm not familiar with Brad Paisley im afraid....I don't know if I agree with children having to study one particular artist, it's about learning about all genres of music and it should always be enjoyable.
Getting some very positive responses concerning Brad Paisley on mainly US based forums, where, perhaps unsurprisingly, he is fairly well known.
Obviously schools are unlikely to take up my suggestion concerning Brad's music, but you never know. If its free thinking you're looking for maybe he's the man.
On the other forum (for "seniors" i.e. those over fifty, I have attempted to write a verse for a country song based on some recent experiences on my father's farm (for example carrying on mowing grass in the middle of the great deluge caused by the thunder storm last night).
"May need a little more work is my assessment of it!