New to the forum and not sure this is that mainstream but thought I'd ask. I separated some 7 months ago from my wife. (There is no one else involved.) My two daughters aged 22 and 20 (so no longer children) have sided with their mother and don't want anything to do with me. My friends tell me this will change with time and I am trying (a) to be patient and (b) to tell them that I'm not giving up on them. Has anyone had similar experiences and gained any insights or do you have any other ideas as to what I can or should be doing other than hanging in there? Thanks
do you have any phone contact with your kids?
No. Whatsapp only but they have said they don't want me to contact them.
If they have said that, there are limits as to what you can do - if you contact them and they really object, they could go to the police for harrassment. You could simply try to send a happy birthday message each year to them, to see if they respond, but it could be a slow process.