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Video: How to talk to teens about divorce

Voices in the Middle with the support of Woolley & Co Solicitors have produced a video guide to help parents of teenagers talk about their divorce or separation.

The films below are a product of a collaborative process between their young people’s steering group, CAFCASS, Woolley & Co and child development researchers. The aim of the guide is to share the young people’s voice, rather than just the researchers (but Voices in the Middle have made sure all the advice is checked out and stacks up with evidence).

If you are struggling talking to your kids about divorce and separation hopefully you will find some support here:

How to ask questions

How to have your conversation

Your teenagers perspective

Give it time

Advice from young people to parents

What to do (and not to do)

Family Feelings

Active Listening

Top Ten Tips for Active Listening

The Silence – a child’s poem about divorce


Researchers involved include: Dr Angharad Rudkin, Child Clinical Pyschologist, University of Southampton Resolution (family law group) Dr Carl E Pickhart, Psychologist Prof Michael Lamb, University of Cambridge, Child and Family Blog Duncan Fisher OBE, child development expert Martin Desborough, Youth Mental Health and Emotional Resilience Ashley Kenlock, Youth Mental Health and Emotional Resilience

For more information a lot of research used is collated here

To find out more about Voices in the Middle follow this link

For further support come visit us on our forum.

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