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The morning commute is eerily quiet, the office is empty, and coats are just a memory.

Summer holidays are in full swing and I’m patiently waiting in line for my turn. Our holiday is so close I can taste it; this time next week I’ll be sunning myself in exotic Suffolk, leaving my emails and worries behind me. I can’t wait.

This week is all about holiday prep. What was easy in the time before kids has become a military operation with them. Our current plan is to take most of our worldly belongings and if that isn’t enough we can borrow a few extra things off generous friends. Bikes, high chairs, scooters, action heroes and DVD’s all have to find their way to our holiday destination.  I’ll need all the skills gained from hours of TETRIS in my youth.

Adlai asks at least a thousand times a day when we are going… even Koa seems to be growing impatient with our replies… there are only so many ways you can say ‘soon’ before it starts becoming annoying. Adlai’s preparation is particularly impressive – he has been attending a week of swimming lessons. He’s in the ‘baby dolphins’ class which is apparently all about getting comfortable in the water – so far so good. By the time we hit the beach he’ll be ready to swim the channel I suspect.

If we didn’t need a holiday before preparation we’ll certainly need one by the end of it. It’s all going to be worth it I’m sure – as we crawl out of town in our weighed down Meriva, our fatigue will melt away and the holiday will really begin.     




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