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If Adlai ruled the world…….

I’m pretty sure left to their own devices, kids would solve all the world’s problems. As Adlai has grown, he increasingly teaches me how things work. Today for instance he came home from preschool on a mission to collect all apple cores explaining in (extensive) detail how to compost.

So it got me thinking: if Adlai ruled the world, how different would it look?

  1. If Adlai was king of the world I’m pretty sure Spiderman would be Prime Minister – they’d be best friends, make the world safe enough for everyone to feel good but not too safe that they couldn’t go on regular rescue missions together.
  2. BBC 1 would be replaced by CBEEBIES and it definitely would not go off at 7pm. It would run throughout the night. Adlai would have regular phone conversations with Andy to keep up-to-date with all his wild adventures and once in a while he’d allow ‘In the Night Garden’ to air so that Koa could watch it and go to bed.
  3. Every shop would sell ‘Pain Au Chocolats’. Yep, my eldest requires his favourite treat most Saturday mornings and just cannot understand why some shops don’t sell them.
  4. Wrestling would be an Olympic sport… oh hang on… that would be the same. Adlai loves to wrestle. Today on his way back from the shop he phoned me (on Faith’s phone) asking me to clear the living room and get it ready for wrestling… which I, as his humble servant, did. If he was king, maybe he could pay someone else to do the clearing.
  5. Every restaurant would serve Marmite pasta. Really it’s the only food appropriate for any self-respecting king after saving the world (again) with Spiderman.


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