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Mother’s Day – A Dad’s View

In the space of six weeks my family will celebrate Faith’s birthday, Valentine’s day and Mother’s Day. It’s a busy time of year. But, to steal a sport analogy – I’ve decided to take it one game at a time.  And the next game is Mother’s Day

If I’m being entirely honest with you, I’m not sure where to pitch Mother’s Day. I mean is it a card-only type celebration or is it a full on breakfast-in-bed, all meals prepared, multi-gift affair? Mother’s day has become increasingly confusing to me since being married to an American. The USA Mother’s day is on a different day. What the heck? So do I celebrate it twice? Or do I celebrate it on the day suggested by our country of residence? Or do I celebrate it on the day suggested by the country of the Mother’s origin? See? I told you it was confusing.

I decided to do a bit of research (well, a Google search) to make sure I was celebrating on the correct day but Wikipedia (not for the first time) wasn’t much help. Apparently, Mother’s day is an American idea, yup… but Mothering Sunday, well that’s British. I don’t feel this helps much.  Who got it right?

At the risk of going slightly off topic… did you know that there is a ‘Children’s Day’? That’s weird. Yep, on the 20th November apparently.  I remember asking my parents if there was a Children’s Day and they replied ‘every day is children’s day’. Well, that was a lie. They probably didn’t know about it. I mean I only found out about it two minutes ago and there wasn’t Wikipedia back then… dark days.

So Mother’s day or Mothering Sunday, whatever it is, I’m more than happy to celebrate all the mothers in my life. Traditionally the holiday is celebrated with flowers and cards almost everywhere, even Thailand (says Wikipedia)… who knew? 

Here in England, I think we’ll celebrate with a big breakfast of pastries and coffee, and a handmade-by-Adlai card.  Those things always go down well, no matter what date we do them.

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