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Mr. Giraffe


This week I would like to introduce you to the multi-coloured stuffed animal we’ve come to know as ‘Mr. Giraffe’. His bright colours and grabby bits seem to tick all the boxes for our 5-month-old son.

Mr. Giraffe has a rich family heritage. He has a Chinese accent, which occasionally comes out ever so slightly French (so I am guessing that he lived there at some point). He has tribal rings around his neck and ankles, ideal for grabbing but also adding to the rich tapestry of life Mr. Giraffe must have lived.

Adlai and Mr. Giraffe can often be found deep in conversation, with Mr. Giraffe presumably regaling Adlai with stories of a far off land. Whatever they are talking about, it holds Adlai’s unwavering attention. If they are not in deep conversation the tribal rings are ideal for sticking in your mouth. Mostly it’s Adlai putting them in his mouth but occasionally it’s his friends. Mr. Giraffe is a good sport and doesn’t seem to mind this one bit.

Adlai has been trying to eat a lot of stuff lately – toys, fists, feet…nothing is too big. Trying to encourage Adlai’s new enthusiasm for eating stuff and with the sun bursting into the English sky, I attempted to tempt him with an ice cream this week. He, understandably, didn’t really know what to do when I put it near his nose. He eventually flopped into it and with ice cream over the majority of his face, seemed quite apathetic about the whole thing. Perhaps the soft whip as big as his head looked like a giant pillow.

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