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My Boys: The Next Spiderman and Jamie Oliver

I didn’t think I’d be running a charity for homeless people when I grew up…


As a child, I was fortunate enough to be unaware that charity was needed beyond Red Nose Day. I wanted to be all sorts of things; a policeman, a footballer, a musician, a paramedic or a combination of all the above. I’d practice the best I could – although I’ll be honest practicing being a paramedic is difficult so maybe that’s why I am where I am today –  a charity worker with an expired first aid licence.

Adlai has decided what he is going to be when he grows up and I for one feel he has chosen wisely. He has decided he is going to be Spider-Man. In preparation for his career  he has determined that he needs to practise as much as possible. This involves tree climbing, furniture scaling and general running and jumping, usually with Koa in close pursuit.

I’m not sure what Koa will do when he grows up. Much to Adlai’s frustration he can’t tell the difference between Spider-Man and Batman. He does have a real fondness for the set of wooden food he got for Christmas, so I’m hopeful that he could be the next Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsay (perhaps with less swearing).

So there you have it: One Spiderman and one chef. Whether they live out these childhood dreams or find new ones along the way, I couldn’t be prouder.


The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the blogger and do not necessarily represent the views of

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