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My Fat Son

The evenings are so long now; it’s incredible. We are usually ready to go to bed by 8:30pm and when we make it past 10, I feel like we’re being wild and reckless. In spite of the lengthy evenings though, since becoming a father, time is elusive. When I do find myself stumbling across an hour that is not packed with – I’m not sure what – my energy reserves are depleted and it takes everything I have not to fall asleep.

Adlai, however, is really going for it. He’s weighing in at 10 lbs now. I’m so proud of him piling on the pounds that I’ve been thinking about referring to him as ‘my fat son’. I don’t think he can develop a complex at eight weeks. Maybe I shouldn’t risk it. Those in the know talk about percentiles and Adlai is sitting happily in the 25th percentile. This basically means if you line up 100 eight-week-olds, 24 would be smaller and 74 heavier. His head, though, is in the 95th percentile. It makes the eyes water.

In other developmental news, Adlai can now apparently focus on small objects. The example given on the website I read is that he can focus on coins. Admittedly this probably isn’t particularly useful to him right now. Though I’ve noticed he is showing more interest in the weekly shop. It also felt like we were having a conversation this week. I made a noise. He made a noise. I’m not sure what we were talking about. Adlai was probably proposing the possibility of starting a coin collection.

To be honest, I don’t think he has ever seen a coin. He’s more of a plastic kind of guy.

It’s immunisation time next week. We’re all looking forward to that, I’m sure.


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