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Second Time Around

When I sit down to write, I automatically start thinking of Adlai: what has Adlai been doing?  What is he learning?  What funny things has he said lately?

Tonight, Faith said, “Why don’t you write about our new baby?

Waiting for our second son feels a lot different than waiting for Adlai felt.  When Faith was pregnant the first time, everything was new.  The morning sickness was new, the waddle was new, the ridiculous heartburn was new.

On weeknights, Faith and I would have a quiet, peaceful dinner, then sit on the couch and talk or watch TV.  She’d tell me every time Adlai wiggled, and I’d watch in amazement as a foot pushed against her belly button.

This time, there is very little quiet or peaceful about our life.  Dinners are noisy and messy, and Adlai is normally asleep around 8pm.  And by the time he gets to sleep, Faith and I are so tired that we just sit in chairs across from each other in the living room and stare for an hour before we go to bed.

We spend a lot of time talking about Adlai, playing with Adlai, and teaching Adlai colours, shapes, and why hitting is wrong. There’s not as much time to think about the new member of our family Faith is cooking up.  But that doesn’t mean we’re not excited.

I can’t wait to meet my new son.  I can’t wait to see Adlai and him become brothers and friends.  I can’t wait to be the Dad of 2 boys. I can’t wait to see how unique my unborn son becomes. I can’t wait to introduce him to all the fun of the outside world. It’s gonna get crazy!

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