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Snot Talk

This week I have been surrounded by snot. Adlai is experiencing his first cold. He is, in what I like to think is true family style (though my wife might disagree), putting on a brave face. At times he even seems to be mildly amused by the green-y yellow stuff slowly running down his face.

To me, snot is one of the most amazing things. I mean, what even is it? The most amazing thing to me about it is the sheer quantity a tiny baby can produce. It’s ridiculous and incredible.

Faith took Adlai to the doctor just to confirm it was only a cold, which he did. The doctor also gave us some nose drops, which have the most curious effect. I am not really sure what they are supposed to do, but what we have found is that after administering the drops (no simple task, I might add), Adlai sneezes violently causing snot to flood down his face. It’s messy. I might try some and see what effect they have on me.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any messier, Adlai has achieved what I once thought impossible. He pooped, sneezed, coughed and peed all at the same time. Somebody give the kid a medal. We are very proud. His clothes and a beanbag, which he was lying on at the time, are of course a write-off, although I don’t think Faith is ready to admit that. I arrived home from work today to find the beanbag cover soaking in the bath. Let it go, Faith. Just let it go.

I was starting to think that the amount of snot in my life may be decreasing, but Faith has informed me that she has started to feel the first signs of a cold. It seems there is no escape. I am defenseless against the snot. No amount of oranges can help me now.

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