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The American Dream

I’ve spent more time filling in visa applications, sitting in immigration offices and waiting for documents from various governmental bureaus to arrive than I care to remember. Every trip across the Atlantic brings logistical challenges and proves to be an emotional roller coaster before we’ve got anywhere near a plane.

Our latest trip to the Land of the Free is fast approaching – faster than we thought, in fact. Because of a weird anomaly at work, we’ve decided to bring the trip forward and will head off in two short weeks.

Adlai has been watching ‘Planes’ on loop to prepare himself for the long flight and regularly asks ‘When are we going to America? After pre-school? After my nap?’

Koa seems much more relaxed about the whole thing, though he does seem to be even more cheerful than usual.

With time slipping away, we are again at the mercies of various governmental departments. We are still awaiting the arrival of Koa’s USA and UK passports, but have been assured they will arrive this week…what could possibly go wrong?!

All the highly strung emotions, all the ticking of boxes and all the waiting are well worth it. At the end of the 4000 mile flight, family and friends eagerly await our arrival. It will be Koa’s first step (or crawl) Stateside and he’s got an awful lot of people to meet. Adlai too has a fair amount of catching up to do and honestly really needs to work on his Southern tone. The next two weeks might be a little intense but we’re all ready to go, ready for the battle of the flights, ready to show the boys their other home.     




 Image details: w:en:Creative Commons Some rights reserved by Tony Webster.

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