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Where is my hoverboard?

As we near 2015, I grow ever more concerned about hoverboard development (or lack thereof). Surely they can’t be far off now. It may be too late for me – as I press into my 30s I’m not sure if I’ll ever look cool on one.

 I am encouraging Adlai to do everything he can do to get ready for their imminent arrival. He has a scooter (with Thomas the Tank Engine on, no less). We found it in our local charity shop and there was no way we’d be able to leave without it. As yet, Adlai is happy to stand on the scooter but isn’t too sure about the scooting part. I’m hoping science won’t let us down on this one. I feel the announcement will be made any day now.

When I was a teenager I had a skateboard. I mostly just carried it around, which I’m pretty sure made me look really cool. I am absolutely sure I looked incredibly un-cool ‘riding’ it. I’m sure Adlai will be much better at hover-boarding. I guess we’ll find out in a few years.

I am looking forward to getting a hover conversion on the Meriva. That will be a good day. It’s more exciting than getting a new cam belt. You can’t even tell the difference when you get a new cam belt, but crikey, you’ll be able to tell the difference with a hover conversion. Once all our cars have hover conversions and we’re driving on the skyway,  that will leave a whole lot of road available – which will be perfect for retro skateboarding…

I’m hitting the vacant M1… who’s with me?                                      

I’m not sure who is responsible for development of ‘The Future’, but I hope they are fans of ‘Back to the Future (Part 2)’. I am ready to turn my pockets inside out (that’s the fashion in the future); I am ready to wear two ties (so’s that); and I’m ready to wear a weird multi-coloured cap (and so’s that).

See you in the future – or the past. Exactly.

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