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Form C2 and submitting new statement/evidence

Posts: 2
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Joined: 6 months ago

Good evening, 

Hoping someone can assist. We have had an FHDRA. I submitted a first statement to the Court. I was informed a few days prior that it was not accepted as evidence wasn’t necessary. The respondent (ex) still received and requested to write a response statement, which I have now received. She has provided exhibits which are partial removed link  
I have written a statement of response and provided full transcripts of evidence, without editing. I sent this to her solicitor and was told that I did not have permission to submit to the court. I am confused that my first statement was refused, the respondents was accepted, and now my 2nd response is being denied? How do I submit this to court to ensure something of mine is received? I am the applicant, so I find it highly confusing that my statement is not accepted? Particularly as I am providing full evidence, not photos of screenshots etc? 
Someone has advised I complete a Form C2 to submit my statement, however I don’t want to have to pay for this and have it refused again? 

many thanks for your help 

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Joined: 6 years ago


for first hearing a position statement is commonly accepted by courts. 2 pages max is ideal, without evidence or exhibits. you can email it to courts and CC in her solicitor. I wouldn't bother with a C2 form. if courts want evidences etc, they will ask you to submit for another hearing in future.


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