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Bit of advice please!

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Im not a dad but just posting on behalf of my partner who has received a letter from CMS from his child’s mother. I can’t seem to get any tangible information online from a dads pov just a mothers so hope this is okay!

My partner and child’s mum has had a 50/50 arrangment since they spilt up 4 years ago. This is not court ordered and done via a private arrangment amongst themselves. However, he still buys everything, sends her money when she needs it ( which is all the time), handles all admin stuff such as sign up for nursery, schools, takes him to hospital, GP appts and this is even when it’s her turn to have him. She calls him up and expects him to drop everything and when he can’t, he gets labelled as a bad dad.

she has threatened him numerous times over the years to stop contact, take him to CMS and in her words ‘ruin his life’. She verbally abuses him over the phone, via text and also randomly messages abuse to his mum who has no contact with the woman and also his friends when she feels like it.

This December just gone, she said she was ill and asked if he could have his child a little longer which my partner has no problem doing ( he has done so many times in the past without asking her for any money as we are always happy to have him). My partner does shift work and we have recently had a baby and my son also lives with us  who has special needs. We tend to arrange any appointments when it’s her turn as it’s easier and my partner arranges any time he has to go in the office as well during this time. We did offer to have child another week which would have allowed us to rearrange any appts but she insisted on letting him know on a day to day basis. My partner politely let her know that he does have a job, family and life and he can’t just rearrange things all the time at short notice.

This made her angry and she went on her usual rant of abuse, this time being very racist, threatening and verbally abusive. She then messaged she was sorry and asked we have child during her time which would have fallen 29th-31st so she could go out. My partner said no.

She again started on a rant and proceeded to call him over 150 times; called his mother being verbally abusive and sending abusive texts. We have reported this to the police including an event where she turned up at his parents house shouting in the street and threatening to smash up his dad’s van.

She has looked for my account on social media to send messages and also messaged his friends as well. Now, she has put in a claim to CMS but lied and said she has child full time, we have textual evidence of her threatening this as well. Her last message to him was threatening to hurt him if he picked child up from school and she has also withheld child from school saying he’s ’ill’. My partner however is the one claiming child benefit for child and we can prove that child has always been with dad half the time. 

Will this be enough to throw away the case? He is honestly very stressed and I’m worried as he keeps saying she’s the type of woman that makes men unalive themselves. It’s put some terrible thoughts in my head. 

Thank you if you’ve read this far.

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CMS use child benefit to decide who main carer is. together with evidence, hopefully they accept and close the case. if they don't then likely he will have to apply for a court order (child arrangements) to satisfy CMS. if he continues to be prevented from collecting child from school, I think he needs to apply to court urgently. he should have applied for a non molestation order after receiving 150 calls.let us know how you get on. you can contact me if you need further support. sending you private message.

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@dadmod2 Thank you so much for replying!


Hopefully, this will work, our goal is to get to court soon but we’re a bit unsure on how to afford this as I’m currently on mat leave although seriously considering returning so we have more income coming in to afford this. He has been told by the police after we and his parents made reports that she could be arrested for harassment but he decided not to go ahead as he did want to take his child’s mother away. I will mention the non molestation order to him thank you again!


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