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After School Club Survey - Participants Needed

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Did you attend an after-school club during the 1990’s or 2000’s?

When you were at school you may have attended an after-school club at the end of the school day. The after-school club may have been in your school, community hall or even a leisure centre. The after-school club was not part of the school curriculum run by the school (for example it is not a football club or homework club organised by the school as an extra-curricular activity), but was a club where you could play. The after-school club had adults supervising who were called playworkers or childcare workers.

If you did attend an after-school club in your childhood, we are looking for adults (parents, carers and non-parents) to complete a short online survey on your experiences. The online survey is short and will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and all information will be anonymous. If you are interested in taking part, you can access the online survey by clicking on this link

For more information, you can contact Dr Pete King at or 01792 602 314.

Topic starter Posted : 18/06/2019 2:28 pm

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