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[Solved] Bullying

Estimable Member Registered

Hi everyone

After school my son likes going to the local park to play with his friends, he plays with two other boys one he's known since nursery and the other he met last year in early years

My son has been having issues with one of the boys he keeps calling my son names and trying to get the others boys not play with him I feel like he is singling out my son and my son is getting very upset with his behaviour

It's got that bad that I don't want to take my son to the park after school

I'm worried that this behaviour might escalate and carry on at school

The parents aren't bothered there attitude is just that the 3 boys should just play nicely with each other, I get that but I do feel my son is being bullied by their son.

Other people just say just ingore it they are only 5 and 6 year olds

Has anyone been through this? any advice and options welcome, I do feel maybe I am just making a big deal about nothing maybe but I am worried for my son

Thank you

Topic starter Posted : 05/11/2019 7:04 pm
Illustrious Member

If they are all at the same school, it might be worth making the school aware of it, so they can monitor it a bit more closely at school. I don't think you should keep your son away from the park at the moment as he's then missing out on his other friends, and in fact the boy who is the problem is then successfully getting your son excluded. Perhaps you can arrange some other activities that your son and his friends can do, and which you then have the choice to include or exclude the problem boy - hopefully he'll realise that he only gets included if he plays nicely.

Posted : 06/11/2019 5:40 pm
Estimable Member Registered

Hi actd

Yes they all go to the same school the other 2 boys who are normally at the park after school are in the same class at school my son is in the other class my son plays with other friends at school.

The thing with the other boy is a recent thing I don't know what brought it on they used to play nicely together.

The park is right next to school and we have to walk past it on the way home my son enjoys going on the park it would be a shame if he couldn't go

I don't think it's happening at school so I'm not going to say anything to them for the time being

I like the suggestion about doing a activity with them I used to play hide and seek with them on the park that used to go down well I think I might try that again

Thanks for your advice

Topic starter Posted : 07/11/2019 1:55 am
Illustrious Member

It might still be worth mentioning it to the school, just so they can keep an eye out, rather than clamp down - they may be able to arrange things so that your son and this boy do school work together to get them back into a proper friendship again.

Posted : 09/11/2019 9:15 pm
New Member Registered

I agree

The school should be aware of these situations, especially for these children.

Posted : 11/11/2019 8:06 pm

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