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[Solved] How to help my 14 year old drug addicted son

New Member Registered

My son is 14 and he was always a very kind boy, but has always had problems with self esteem. He would have feelings of inferiorty compared to other kids, and never had many friends. I thought it would work itself out, as he was making friends but at the end of last summer I caught him smoking weed. He said it was because it made him feel older, so we punished him severly to deter this behavior. One morning I walked past his room and the door was open, and I noticed several deep gashes on his legs, dark red and around 4 inches long and half a inch wide.

Topic starter Posted : 31/10/2020 9:36 am
New Member Registered

I think he needs to visit a psychotherapist 

Posted : 28/07/2022 1:46 pm

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