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[Solved] Contact with daughter

Active Member Registered

Hi, I'm not a Dad but believe you guys are important to your kids. Question: A Dad who hasn't seen his daughter for 2 months because the ex is pulling all the strings and refuses to be fair. Has just received a text asking him to meet daughter from school today and keep her overnight and take her school tomorrow. What are his rights? What are the little girls' rights?

Topic starter Posted : 06/11/2019 8:01 pm
Illustrious Member


it may seem like the mother is using the dad for free child care. if i was in his position I would go for it, but then contact the ex about sorting out regular fixed arrangements to see his daughter. if she is not interested, then really the dad should look at taking the legal route.

if his names on girls birth certificate, then he has parental responsibility for his daughter. technically he could keep his daughter with him as long as he likes. police can not do anything about it, as long as they don't feel there is risk to the child. but its better to avoid these scenarios and get proper arrangements in place.

Posted : 06/11/2019 8:27 pm
Active Member Registered

Hi Bill, Dad is on the birth certificate and has tried going to a solicitor but the ex refuses to reply to paperwork. Last time it cost him over £1,000.

Over the past six months, Dad has agreed with Mum to take daughter on holiday twice (within one hours drive of the ex's home). He made the booking with the ex's agreement only to be stopped from seeing daughter on each occasion.

It is parental alienation and cruel.

The ex is keeping the little girl away from both maternal and paternal families for no reason other than control.

Children's services have told Dad that they have no concerns about daughter staying with him, her grandparents, aunt, uncles and cousins. BUT do nothing to help the little have that contact.

The bottom line is the ex is using the little girl and that is so wrong.

Topic starter Posted : 06/11/2019 9:06 pm
Illustrious Member


he should not use solicitor. too expensive. if he wants to take this to court, he can contact a mediator first. can do video call for less than £100. they can sign him off to make court application. fill in a c100 form.

these people will fill in form for him for free. should book appointment

Posted : 07/11/2019 2:06 am
Active Member Registered

Thank you so much Bill

This is really appreciated 🙂

Topic starter Posted : 07/11/2019 2:46 am

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