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Rude ex girlfriend
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Rude ex girlfriend

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Hello guys,


Hope all well just curious my ex and I have a 5 year old and face to face we are respectful infront of the child however in terms of texting my ex gf seems really rude and sharp and it causes me anxiety and anger.

During drop off last weekend I forgot sons wellies and she text me saying "You forgot sons wellies he will need them just incase it rains" so I came after work with them  as agreed but as I was literally driving in her village she text says "wellies????" I just replied to say "yes I said yesterday I would be coming after work to drop them off" 



Her reply 



"Well I'm asking you today!!!"


How do I resolve that not sure of its bipolar or her actual personalty.



Topic starter Posted : 13/12/2021 9:03 pm
Honorable Member

Thats a shame as you manage to be civil in front of your son which is very important.  Try not to let it get to you.  She isn't swearing and may be best to ignore it.  Wellies are needed almost every day this time of the year.  Perhaps you could have a pair at your house, and other items too, so it won't be an issue

Posted : 14/12/2021 11:15 am
Illustrious Member

Get a cheap second phone and tell her you are changing your number. Use this phone just for communication with her, and only switch it on, say, once a day and that way you take back control of when she messages you.

Posted : 16/12/2021 10:14 pm

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