Hello I'm new to this site and I need some help with child arrangement.
There is no caff cas concerns or social services concerns
Mother is demanding the court issue a Supervised contact for no reason at all.
I need to know ware I stand with this,
The court ordered a Supervised visits for 3 month and I can't afford this so I have appealed the order and I will be in court next week.
Any recommendations I should put to the court based on the fact I canot afford Supervised contact and there are no concerns
Kind regards
I suggest you could propose if mother can contribute to half of CC costs. You could also enquire about Cafcass program called ICFA. Have known dads that went through program and cafcass paid for some CC sessions. More info: https://www.cafcass.gov.uk/grown-ups/parents-and-carers/improving-child-and-family-arrangements/
Do you know if mother gets Legal Aid? If so can ask can her legal aid certificate be used to fund the CC sessions.
If your paying child maintenance through CMS, you should be able to claim some deductions based on the CC child contact costs.
Hi thanks for your reply
The mother will not pay at all.she admitted this in court.
I have tried to contact all support schemes to help with parents in low income sircumstanses.
I have had emails from contact center confirming no contact center can get legal aid to support supervised contact
Hello is there anything else I'm able to do when I go To court regarding child contact.
I'm just trying to be prepared As much as possible.
There was no reason For supervise contact in a contact centre.
Is there any other suggestions anyone can make thanks for your help.
Supervised Contact is the mother's suggestion There are no other Concerns at all.
I haven't seen my child for over 11 months now.
As I have said previously I physically cannot afford supervise Contact
Apart from asking can cafcass refer you to ICFA programme for CC sessions, or can mother contribute; you can suggest supported contact in a CC. Often these are free of charge. Or could propose contact in the community, be supervised by third party like friend or family?
@justinm cafcass ICFA. Please see: https://www.cafcass.gov.uk/grown-ups/parents-and-carers/improving-child-and-family-arrangements/
I have been writing CC (short for Contact Centre)