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Dealing with a narc
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Dealing with a narc

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Hi all,

My divorce has been difficult. Ex suddenly left but was obviously plotting it for a long-time. I saw my child regularly for 6 months then boom false allegations when my ex didn't get what she wanted. Cafcass first meeting was hostile; I defended my self but the officer was aggressive, spoke over me and vicious. I kept it together, kept my tears back as I miss my child and completed the meeting without being able to show how child focused I am because the conversation was just 1 allegation after another. Cafcass believes ex and wrote down what I said wrong. I requested it to be changed; cafcass officer says she made no mistake. I asked for an audio recording; cafcass say they don't audio record..... it's very convienent cafcass officer can be verbally aggressive/borderline abusive on the telephone but none of the calls are recorded. Can we record section 7? I wish I recorded the telephone call as if I spoke to someone like she did and then lied about the outcome I would lose my job.

When no issues are found from my end as I am child focus and just want to me a good father do father's typically obtain equal shared daily care? I live about 30 minutes from my ex. Thanks all - I realised the whole court system is broken. Basically whoever is primary carer can make false allegations against the other parent then can ensure they don't see their child for several months "legally" and if you do anything you could get a non-molestation order against you then occupational order and lose your home all from false allegations. The evil person then can launch a financial remedy proceeding then try and take all of your money. How messed up is that?

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Sorry to hear this. I suggest you work with cafcass, any mention of recordings will likely become confrontational. If their doing a section 7, i suggest you complete a parenting plan. Can find on cafcass site.

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@bill337 my experience is you can record a s7 interview but you must let the cafcass officer know in advance. they may ask why so have a good answer ready

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5368

@conan1234 yes s7 interview can be recorded, but I wouldn't recommend that, as immediately the parent will be seen as difficult and confrontational.

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