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Need advice : Lawye...
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Need advice : Lawyers in Wales/Bristol

Active Member Registered
Hi All, 

I'm desperately in need of a lawyer in relation to my divorce. My wife is refusing to let me have access to my kids... and making this process quite exhausting. I do have a solicitor but I feel like I'm let to sit out like a sitting duck and I'm constantly having to put the fires out.. instead of preemptively dealing with matters. 

Any recommendations for a second opinion. I need to talk to someone that's assertive as I also need to iron out finances.
Our relationship for the longest time was just on paper. The relationship broke down many years ago.. however she's running around spreading rumours and lies... and has even said things to the kids.. etc.

It didn't need to get this ugly.. so any help would  be appreciated..

Any advice or recommendations will help! 
Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2024 11:48 am
Illustrious Member


do you have a court hearing coming up for child arrangements?

have you had the first hearing? I have some experience, feel free to get in touch if you would like a chat. sending you a private message...

Posted : 12/02/2024 5:13 pm

Active Member Registered


no court hearing just yet !! Will be giving the green light to sols to take it to court as she refuses to let me see the kids.. (they apparently don't want to see but that's only because she's spoken about me negatively. Thank you for getting in touch with me. I'll drop you a message to seek further advice.


It's been a day

Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2024 8:56 pm

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