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What is reasonable 'time?'

Eminent Member Registered

What are peoples views on what reasonable time is to have your children, if separated from the partner etc. I.e if you're sorting it out of legal process, is there a standard or a precedent. To be honest i feel it should be 50/50, but know thats not realistic, and have heard every other weekend and a week day or night each week. 


Advice welcome thank you

Topic starter Posted : 07/02/2024 9:05 am
Honorable Member

There are a lot more 50/50 arrangements being made by the courts now.  This is usually 2:2:5:5 to give a share of weekends.  Arrangements will depend on work patterns, access to school, accommodation etc etc.  If its feasible for you to have the children 50/50 then there is no reason why you should not ask for this.  If its not feasible then alternate weekends with contact in between is fairly common.  Make sure whatever is agreed is child focused.  If the children are old enough, then take their wishes into account.

Posted : 07/02/2024 10:40 am

top tips to support your child after breakup

Eminent Member Registered

Posted by: @champagne

There are a lot more 50/50 arrangements being made by the courts now.  This is usually 2:2:5:5 to give a share of weekends.  Arrangements will depend on work patterns, access to school, accommodation etc etc.  If its feasible for you to have the children 50/50 then there is no reason why you should not ask for this.  If its not feasible then alternate weekends with contact in between is fairly common.  Make sure whatever is agreed is child focused.  If the children are old enough, then take their wishes into account.


Thank you, my child lives a 3 hour drive away, i currently travel back and forth every other weekend only to see them. 


Topic starter Posted : 07/02/2024 2:59 pm
Illustrious Member

@parkside357 hi, it seems unlikely for court to agree to 50/50 due to long travel distance. I think every other weekend and half of school holidays is more realistic.

Posted : 07/02/2024 11:20 pm

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