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The snip post op

New Member Registered

Hi all, 

New here, been a dad for 2 years now with my son being the eldest and A daughter of 6 months. For my wife and I we’ve decided no more kids please! Even if we were to separate I wouldn’t want anymore. Making that decision at 36 seems reasonable enough to me to get the snip. 

Anyway, I had the procedure done 11 days ago now which was, let’s just say ‘uncomfortable’ at times. It’s healed fine now but I am just curious to know if anyone suffered with testicle pain afterward? My left one hasn’t been feeling great ever since. Sometimes a long lasting dull ache to sharp pain when moving in a certain direction.

After a week, I went back to the surgeon for him to look at me and he said there’s no sign of infection or anything else and it can take 2-3 weeks for pain to subside. 
I read online the same thing too on one site that does the procedures and that we all heal at different rates. I have been feeling pain free on times the more days are going by but I just fear I could be falling into the category before long of PVPS. 

I’ve been generally taking it easy but even jogging causes discomfort that I have to stop. Walking, bending, lifting, even masturbating all fine. 

Anyone else experience similar and if so, how long until you felt back to normal? Thanks,


This topic was modified 11 months ago by CarlosB87
Topic starter Posted : 25/08/2023 7:10 pm
Tommy92 reacted
Active Member Registered

Mu brother in law got it done about a year ago.  He said he was pretty sore for weeks after.  But then it all eased away.

He never heard of post-vasectomy pain syndrome, so it probably wasnt praying on his mind.


But, the good news is - you should be fine in a few weeks.


His brother is actually booking himself in for the same procedure next week.  So, it went well enough for him to recommend it to the bro.


Posted : 27/09/2023 11:46 am

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