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[Solved] Batman movie

New Member Guest

Took my 10 year old son to see the new Batman movie last night but wish I hadn't. The film is violent & very emotional - like a rollercoaster. I thought 12A films were ok for kids as long as they went in with a parent. This film should be a 15. What happened to Batman as a kids comic character? My son is now having nightmares...

Posted : 18/08/2008 12:35 pm
Estimable Member Registered

yeah i was going to see the film for myself but mates said it was very dark - i wasn't overly keen on that last one so am giving this a huge miss.

Re the nightmares - how you handling them as my 4 year old often.

Posted : 18/08/2008 4:23 pm
New Member Guest

Nightmares - no idea, I only have kids at weekend, leave the rest to my ex. Was hoping someone here had some ideas? Also wonder if anyone else has seen the batman movie & taken their kids?

Posted : 19/08/2008 10:04 pm
Estimable Member Registered

i'm sure other dads must have seen the film. Re the nightmares i bet your x-wife is singing your praise right now if your kid is still having them and shes the one dealing with the aftermarth!

My 4 year old has a really vivid imagination and is an emotionally complex little character, takes alot of stuff to heart. We are trying to get him to talk about his feelings more and being more rigid on what we let him watch, although the last nightmare was due to the curtains!!!

RE ideas for your situation my only thoughts are you could talk about it over dinner this weekned and ask what was scary about the movie and try and help him/her unpack their thoughts and feelings about it. Tackle the whole reality/fantasy issue.

Whatever you do I hope you enjoy your weekend with the kids dude.

Posted : 21/08/2008 3:22 pm

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